Here are some before and after pictures of my appartment, there will be more on facebook. Sorry, that it took so long, but my laptop is broken and I had to wait until the computer was put up!
Dienstag, 17. November 2009
New appartment
Here are some before and after pictures of my appartment, there will be more on facebook. Sorry, that it took so long, but my laptop is broken and I had to wait until the computer was put up!
Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009
Three weeks ago my neighbor, who lived in the appartment above my parents died. He was almost like my grandfather, because as kids me and my brother were quite often there. His wife died already a year and a half ago and he didn't really want to live without her... I'm happy for them that they can be together now!
Since the appartment is empty now and my parents don't want any strange people there any more I'll move in there and my brother will live in my appartment. Right now I have to renovate A LOT! I'll get a new bathroom, all rooms have to be painted and three rooms are getting new flooring. So this is the big news :)
Since the appartment is empty now and my parents don't want any strange people there any more I'll move in there and my brother will live in my appartment. Right now I have to renovate A LOT! I'll get a new bathroom, all rooms have to be painted and three rooms are getting new flooring. So this is the big news :)
Sonntag, 13. September 2009
Graduation day
Finally vacation pictures
Donnerstag, 6. August 2009
A walk in the forest
Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009
Montag, 27. Juli 2009
Written exam
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I'll have my written exams. I had four whole days of studying and I did study before that, too,but right now I feel like I don't know anything at all! I'm just sooooo glad when everything is over and I'm sitting on the beach!!! I can't wait. So keep your fingers crossed that I'll be able to answer the questions and pass everything!
Montag, 20. Juli 2009
It's time for a new haircut :) Best part about it: My best friend's mom does it for a piece of cake!!After the cut my friend and I will have a nice girls night, not sure yet what we will do, but it'll be fun!
Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
Today I had my practical exams. During the morning I thought everything was great, but the evaluation afterwards didn't sound too good. I don't know, everybody else said my work was always great. And the other students who had their evaluation said the same, so I have no idea how it went! I'll get my results on August 20th, a LONG time to wait!!!
To make my day happier Momo and I went to the Airport in Cologne and looked for vacation, we booked a hotel on Mallorca, Spain, here is the link, take a look at the pictures, I think it'll be great!!!
To make my day happier Momo and I went to the Airport in Cologne and looked for vacation, we booked a hotel on Mallorca, Spain, here is the link, take a look at the pictures, I think it'll be great!!!
Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009
7 weeks to go!!!
In 7 weeks I'll work at the pediatric ICU in Stolberg, here is the web-link:
On monday and tuesday will be my practical exams, the rest follows... can't wait to be done! Looking for a vacation at Mallorca right now, looks good :)
On monday and tuesday will be my practical exams, the rest follows... can't wait to be done! Looking for a vacation at Mallorca right now, looks good :)
Samstag, 4. Juli 2009
We had really hot weather the last week but since i had t work all the time and the last weekend i couldn't really enjoy the sunshine, just the sweating ;)
Today was my first day off and I went to the lake with Momo, just to take a walk, no swimming, it was hot, but not THAT bad that i thought I wouldn't need sunlotion. Well, I should've used some. my shoulders are pretty red now, but tan in a couple days :)
Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009
The practise today was really good! My mentor couldn't find any other faults I made than those I already found by myself and she told me if it was the real exam it would've been an A and I don't have to worry about the real one if I just do my thing as always :) So now I'm really excited for the big day!
Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009
Today and tomorrow I have to practise for the real practical exams on July 13th and 14th, I'll tell you how it went.
Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009
Almost Weekend
I just brought Momo to the trainstation. His soccerclub is going "on tour" to Bitburg until Sunday. At least it's my working weekend. Today is my day off but it's raining all the time, a good day to stay at home and just relax, although I would've liked to go out, too :)
Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009
Samstag, 16. Mai 2009
New phone, new haircut
Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009
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