Mittwoch, 25. März 2009

Raindrops keep falling on my head....

It is raining since Monday and won't stop for a week, here is the forecast:
I have a day off at work today and actually just want to stay in bed, because all I see outside is gray and muddy. My mom is luckier, I'm not supposed to tell it anyone, but I guess you can keep the secret :) She is going on a cruise on Saturday for a week with one of her friends. They both have their 50th birthday this year so that is their gift to themselves. I think, but am not sure they are going around the Canary Islands, there should be better weather than here!

I sent some more job applications out yesterday, so keep your fingers cross, that there will be a job interview sometime.... otherwise I'm getting pretty frustrated!


Freitag, 20. März 2009


Okay, last weekend was really beautiful weather but now it is cold again and the forecast doesn't sound good, either. There's supposed to be more snow, too! I am sooooo ready for warm weather, I want to wear my summer shoes, my new purple jacket and t-shirts. I just want to put my sweater and warm coats in the way back of the closet!!!! I just hope the forecast is lying because the next 16 days don't look good at all.

Samstag, 14. März 2009

Spring is there!!!

Today we have beautiful weather with15°C (59°F) and I have to work from 2 pm till 8 pm... BUT I had to go outside and take some pictures of those flowers. I think those bees had the same idea.
Update at 8:30 pm: I'm soooooooo glad I had the late shift! I came to work and went for a walk with a patient in beautiful weather and when we got back it started to rain and didn't stop until now!!! :)

Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Happy Birthday Dannika!

Today is my godchild's 4th birthday. I can't believe Dannika is already 4 years old, I remember holding her being only 4 weeks old. Time goes by way too fast!!! I wish I could be with her more often. I hope you have a fun birthday, Dannika. I miss you tons!!!!

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009


I know I haven't updated this blog for quite a long time...
Today is my parents' 27th Anniversary. A pretty long time, huh? They are going out to eat tonight and probably have a nice evening.

I'm trying to get some job interviews right now in case I can't go to med school. Aachen and Düsseldorf sent rejections so I have to find a couple more clinics I would work at. Any idea?? :)