Montag, 20. April 2009

I'm a big girl now :)

Since we have always a couple weeks of school and then some weeks to work at the hospital, today was my first day of school again and we were told to come to the office right after school, because they wanted to tell us if we get a job in our hospital or not.... So I waited 7 hours and was way nervous!!!! When it was my turn, 2 jobs in the unit I wanted to work in were already gone, so I was pretty discouraged, but they told me I got a job, too!!!! Pediatric intensiv care unit!!!! I know it's the same town I always lived in, but I'm just happy that I know what to do in September! I have another job interview on May 28th in Aachen, which is a way bigger hospital. So it's still not settled what I want to do, but at least I have something and really something I want to do. I canceld the job interview in Cologne right away.....

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